About Us

  • Our Start

    The River Raisin Institute was founded in October 2003 by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM). The institute grew out of the sisters’ commitment to sustainability.

  • Mission Statement

    The River Raisin Institute sponsors educational works with the goal to respect, nurture, and promote the well-being of all creation. The institute collaborates with others to promote transformational learning and sustainable community for the 21st century and beyond.

  • Vision Statement

    The River Raisin Institute works in partnership with communities who seek to develop, revitalize or preserve sustainable systems of living in order to improve the health of their community. This work flows from a deep belief in the sacredness and interdependence of all creation.

    Working side-by-side partner communities, the Institute offers holistic approaches to lessen or eliminate systemic challenges to sustainable living that are confronting their desire to live in a more balanced way.

    It is hoped that the mutual exchange of knowledge, values and technologies that result from this common purpose and work will transform and empower all involved as well as inspire others to move toward a more life-affirming culture and practice of sustainable living.

  • Current Newsletter

    Keep up with current events and information!

    March 2025

  • Spring Into Gardening: Herbs and Veggies Sale

    Join us on Saturday, May 17th from 10 am - 3 pm at the IHM Campus for our annual seedling sale!

    More details can be found on our events page.

The River Raisin Institute